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Have you ever noticed that existing Single Sign-On solutions do not provide truly single sign-on behavior? Even though the user goes through the full authentication cycle during the very first accessing of protected application, the following very first accessing of another applications which protected by the same SSO leads to recurrence login attempt. Fortunately, it does not need to re-enter the login and password, since the user is already authenticated. But how does it work? And what limitations will you face if your very first request to the application is an XHR?

Or maybe you have ever had to migrate a monolithic system to multiple microservices? In that case you may know how complex and cumbersome the user data migration task can be. And how would you feel about the following idea: you can do not migrate user data at all and get it from the request, without overhead and security risks?

What is SingleA

SingleA is a set of Symfony bundles which allows rapid creating of single sign-on service. You would be able to interact with any resources protected by a SingleA instance after the user logs in once. Re-login will be required only after the user logs out or the session expiration.

SingleA makes able to expand the initial request with authorization token that can contain user data. Basically, this data is composed of the user attributes, but the Payload Fetcher feature allows receiving additional data to complete the token payload. Depending on the chosen features implementation, the data of payload fetching requests and responses, as well as the token, can be signed and encrypted. The token has a lifetime that allows to cache it and prevent sending redundant requests.

SingleA ensures the security of not only transmitted data, but also clients configurations and user data stored on the service side. To do this, all data stored encrypted. Encryption is performed using pairs of rotatable keys and secrets (which known only to the client application or end user).

Further Documentation

  • How It Works is the best way to understand the whole requests cycle between the client application, the end user and the SingleA instance (server).
  • Features section describes the key design principle which makes SingleA really flexible and able to solve the most complicated issues.
  • Bundles section contains documentation for each official bundle (included in this project structure). And the first of them is the main SingleA bundle.
  • SingleAuth is an authentication framework (not quite a protocol) on which SingleA based (and which gave the name of the project). Read about it to get fully understand abilities of SingleA.

Created by

The SingleA project was developed by Alexander Menshchikov with gratitude to numerous friends and colleagues who inspired him to this project development.

SingleA is among the FOSS projects of nb:group responsible for its further development and support.