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Redis Bundle


Implements nbgrp/singlea-persistence-contracts.

The Redis bundle makes able to store clients metadata and their feature configs in a Redis instance using the SncRedisBundle. The bundle configuration allows declaring certain SingleA features as required to prevent client registration without specify parameters for these features.


This bundle use the SncRedisBundle to operate with a Redis instance. You need to install it yourself and configure a client with alias "default" before install the SingleA Redis bundle. The name "default" can be changed later.


Symfony Flex

If you use Symfony Flex, you can add an endpoint for access nb:group's recipes, which makes it possible to apply the default bundle configuration automatically when install the bundle:

composer config --json extra.symfony.endpoint '["", "flex://defaults"]'

If you wish (or you already have some value of the extra.symfony.endpoint option), you can do the same by updating your composer.json directly:

    "name": "acme/singlea",
    "description": "ACME SingleA",
    "extra": {
        "symfony": {
            "endpoint": [

Then you can install the bundle using Composer:

composer require nbgrp/singlea-redis-bundle

Enable the Bundle

If you use Symfony Flex, it enables the bundle automatically. Otherwise, to enable the bundle add the following code:

return [
    // ...
    SingleA\Bundles\Redis\SingleaRedisBundle::class => ['all' => true],


The bundle configuration includes the following settings:

  • client_last_access_key (default value "singlea:last-access") — the Redis hash table name, which will be used to store last access timestamps for each client.
  • snc_redis_client (default value "default") — the SncRedisBundle client alias name to be used to access the Redis instance. See SncRedisBundle documentation for more details.
  • config_managers (required) — a data structure which defines the configuration for every feature config manager. The configuration of each feature config manager is presented as a key-value pair where the key value has no specific meaning, but must be unique; the value should be a data structure with the following keys:
    • key (required) — the name of the Redis hash table that the config manager will use to store appropriate clients configs.
    • config_marshaller (required) — the feature config marshaller service id (see configuration example below).
    • required (boolean, default false) — defines is this feature mandatory for clients or not (at registration).


  1. Configure the SncRedisBundle and define the client alias:

                type: phpredis
                alias: default
                dsn: "%env(REDIS_URL)%"
                logging: false

  2. Configure feature config marshallers in the DI container:

        # ...
            class: 'SingleA\Contracts\Marshaller\FeatureConfigMarshallerInterface'
            factory: '@SingleA\Bundles\Singlea\Service\Marshaller\FeatureConfigMarshallerFactory'
            arguments: [ 'SingleA\Bundles\Singlea\FeatureConfig\Signature\SignatureConfigInterface' ]
            class: 'SingleA\Contracts\Marshaller\FeatureConfigMarshallerInterface'
            factory: '@SingleA\Bundles\Singlea\Service\Marshaller\FeatureConfigMarshallerFactory'
            arguments: [ 'SingleA\Contracts\Tokenization\TokenizerConfigInterface' ]
            class: 'SingleA\Contracts\Marshaller\FeatureConfigMarshallerInterface'
            factory: '@SingleA\Bundles\Singlea\Service\Marshaller\FeatureConfigMarshallerFactory'
            arguments: [ 'SingleA\Contracts\PayloadFetcher\FetcherConfigInterface' ]

  3. Finally, configure the SingleA Redis Bundle:

        client_last_access_key: 'singlea:last-access'
        snc_redis_client: 'default'
                key: 'singlea:signature'
                config_marshaller: 'singlea.signature_marshaller'
                required: true
                key: 'singlea:token'
                config_marshaller: 'singlea.tokenizer_marshaller'
                required: true
                key: 'singlea:payload'
                config_marshaller: 'singlea.payload_fetcher_marshaller'

Add new feature

To add some custom feature in your SingleA instance, you should:

  • Create and implement your own feature config interface (which must extend SingleA\Contracts\FeatureConfig\FeatureConfigInterface), define a new feature config marshaller in services.yaml with passing created interface FQCN as an argument to the marshaller factory;
  • Implement SingleA\Contracts\FeatureConfig\FeatureConfigFactoryInterface for processing registration data and creating client feature config instances.

Read more details about SingleA Features and SingleA Contracts.